Monday, December 10, 2012

How I Stopped Drinking Coffee | Care2 Healthy Living

  • Gabby Bernstein
  • December 9, 2012
  • 9:02 am

get healthy living updates

Today is the 25th day I?ve gone without coffee! This is major for me. You see, coffee was my last addiction. I haven?t had a drink or drug in seven years, I?ve been off dairy for more than a year, and I barely even eat sugar or meat. Therefore, I was holding onto my coffee for dear life. I spent years trying (unsuccessfully) to give up the joe only to wind back up in the coffee shop ordering a large americano with soy milk. Then, 25 days ago, the stars aligned and a shift set in. In this video, I talk about what helped me make the move to get off coffee once and for all. I also offer advice for you to step into your own life change ? whatever that may be. Watch now! And don?t forget that tonight begins my?free group coaching course: How to Create What you Want in 2013. If you?d like to follow me in my off-coffee journey, you can find?me on?Twitter,?Facebook,?Instagram or?Pinterest.

Read more: General Health, Health, Life, Self-Help, Spirit, gabby,, gabrielle bernstein, how i got off coffee, manifes, spirit junkie

Gabby Bernstein

Featured in the New York Times Sunday Styles section as "a new role model," motivational speaker, life coach and author Gabrielle Bernstein is making her mark. Expanding the lexicon for the next generation spiritual seekers, Gabrielle is a #1 bestselling author of the book Add More ~ing to Your Life ? A hip guide to happiness, and Spirit Junkie, A Radical Road to Self-Love and Miracles. In 2008 she launched her social networking site for young women to find mentors. HerFuture's growing community exceeds 12,000 members.

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