Wednesday, September 5, 2012

September ? The Month for Family Health | Red Toenails

Provided by Microsoft

Nothing can zap you of joy and strength quicker than dealing with illness.? Truth be told, we can?t foresee everything but we can be more watchful as a whole when it comes to our health.

I was watching a game show one time when the host asked the contestant how often should we floss our teeth.? She said at least once a week!? Okay.? That?s just a small example of how off point some of us are when it comes to our health.

While we don?t want to be fanatics ? hypochondria ain?t cute ? we do want to take reasonable precautions.? September seems to be the month when a lot of organizations are trying to raise awareness on women?s, men?s, children?s and family?s health issues.? While there are too many to mention them all, I?ve managed to highlight a few that might pique your interest:


National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

Obesity is now at an epidemic level among our kids according to the National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month website.? More than 23 million children and teenagers in the U.S. alone (ages 2-19) are obese and overweight.

Please visit their website in order to see what you can do or even where you can get help with this health issue.

Newborn Screen Awareness Month

Newborn screenings are very important.? Some kinds of screenings are even mandated by law.? But more to the point, this type of screening can save many individuals from a life of suffering due to an undetected but totally treatable disease.

Please visit ?in order to join the fight to raise awareness regarding the importance of newborn screening.


Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

I was amazed at the fact that ovarian cancer (more than 20,000 women diagnosed yearly in the U.S. alone) cannot be detected by the Pap test.? In fact, there is no early detection test for ovarian cancer at all.? The only thing we have in the way of early detection is awareness ? being aware of what early symptoms are and being proactive when they are present.

To learn about early detection, click here.

National Women?s Health and Fitness Day

Although all the days and issues presented here are important, this is one that I am very excited about.? Speaking from the perspective of a woman that has a little fluff around the edges if you know what I mean!? National Women?s Health and Fitness Day is officially held on September 26, 2012.? So that means you have time to prepare.

This day is the nation?s largest annual health promotion event for women of all ages.? What can you do to get involved?? Visit


Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

Zero is an organization that is passionate about the mission of not only decreasing prostate cancer among men, but totally eradicating it.? And it?s easy to see why they feel this way, especially when the National Cancer Institute indicated that, ?A total of 241,740 new cases of prostate cancer and 28,170 deaths from the disease are anticipated in the United States in 2012??

Zero donates to research on federal and local levels.? Click here to find out more about their initiative.


RAINN Day ? Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network

RAINN Day is September 27, 2012.? It was interesting to discover that RAINN has a number of programs.? Some programs help victims; others educate the public about sexual violence prevention.? What may not be known is that this agency it also helps obtains convictions of rapists as well.? This is a marvelous organization for a very important cause.

They have set up a National Sexual Assault Hotline that works along with local rape hotlines.? They are a strong resource that is referred to by many individuals and organizations alike.? They have forged incredible community partners in order to educate the public regarding this issue.

If you need help or know someone who does, please contact RAINN or call the hotline at 1800.656.HOPE (4673).

Family Health and Fitness Day

Family Health and Fitness Day is September 29, 2012.? Why is this day so important?? Because it?s all about your family?s well-being.? Now you can?t beat that!? Even though it?s recognized nationally, there will be many local events held to promote this health issue.

Get involved!? For event details, check it out.

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