Friday, December 21, 2012

The Next Big Thing online interview | life with more cowbell

I was invited by my friend writer/blogger/poet/editor Lizzie Violet to participate in an online interview called Next Big Thing as a way for writers to do a little self-promotion and/or think about what they?re working on or will have out soon. Writers tag other writers, who all answer the same 10 questions and post them on their blog. Lizzie added a twist and decided to include playwrights, songwriters and bloggers as well, so my responses will be about my blog.

What is your working title of your blog? life with more cowbell

Where did the idea come from for the blog? I was the company blogger at Alumnae Theatre, posting about the shows it was producing, and generally shouting out and supporting the theatre. When I made the decision to ?retire? from there, I decided to start my own blog. I wanted to get out to see more live theatre and music, and support local artists. On a broader level, I felt the desire to inject more excitement into my life and generate some positive impact in the process. If that makes any sense. Shout out the work and spread the good word.

What genre does your blog fall under? Arts/culture and entertainment mostly, from an experiential point of view, as opposed to being a review or critique.

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition? If this blog ever became a movie, it would be a huge honour if Jodi Foster played me.

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your blog? Toronto-based culture vulture/social bloggerfly shares her arts/culture and entertainment adventures, with a bit of travel and philosophy thrown in.

Will your blog be self-published or represented by an agency??At this point, I have no representation or plans to turn this blog into a book ? but that is an interesting notion. The blog is a serious hobby that I pursue in addition to my ?day job? as a copy editor/proofreader for a national public opinion polling company. I?m not really thinking in terms of going ?professional? with the blog ? to get paid for writing it. Right now, I?m just happy to experience and shout out the art/artists. Though, if someone wanted to pay me to do this ? I probably wouldn?t say no.

How long does it take you to write the blog/how much time do you put into it??The blog is ongoing ? I post several times a week and a single post can take up to about two hours just to write. Added to that is the time it takes to go out to see the event/performance, maybe take some photos. I usually tweet about it right after, make a few notes, then let it perk in my head over night and write the next day. I also reblog posts of bloggers I follow.

What other blogs would you compare this story to within your genre? Alumnae Theatre Company?s blog, The Magnificent Something. I also contribute to Lipstik Indie Review, so there?s a very similar tone and vibe there too.

Who or what inspired you to write this blog? I come from a visual arts and performing arts (acting and singing) background, then got into writing, short stories and personal essays at first. Then I had the job of bloggergal at Alumnae Theatre ? first time blogging for me ? and I was hooked. Being this all-around artsy fartsy kinda gal, I wanted to see other art forms and blog about them too.??

What else about your blog might pique the reader?s interest? I?m starting to do interviews and photo essay posts, to mix it up a bit and make for a more interesting visit to the site.

Here are five writers/bloggers/playwrights ? and I?m also adding an animator/filmmaker ? I?d like to shout out:

Chlo? Whitehorn

G. (The Magnificent Something blog)

Lesley Wallace (Coaching with Les blog)

Patrick Jenkins

Transman (The Adventures of Transman blog)

And while you?re cruising through the webiverse, check out these folks as well: Alumnae Theatre Company, Dawna J. Wightman?and DJ Paul V. (Born This Way blog & book)

With thanks to Lizzie for inviting me ? and Chlo?, G., Lesley, Patrick and Transman for coming onboard.

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